Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The Scientific Advisory Board will ensure a high standard of research and monitor the progress of the project by taking part in the annual General Assembly Meetings. Whenever appropriate, it will consult the consortium and make recommendations as to improve the performance.

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of six experts representing the key aspects of activities of the project, as indicated by the Work Packages. As such, the Advisory Board Members represent leaders in the field of animal models and preclinical research in the area of inflammatory bowel disease (Prof. Dr. Scott Snapper/Harvard Medical School), intestinal health research (Dr. Severino Pandiella/University of Manchester), clinical research (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schölmerich/Universitätsklinik Frankfurt am Main), mathematical modelling (Prof. Dr. Albert Goldbeter/Universite Libre de Bruxelles), European bioinformatics databases (Dr. Henning Hermjakob/European Bioinformatics Institute Cambridge) and one representative for patient groups (Laura Hawes/Crohn's & Colitis UK).